Friday, January 26, 2018

Stop Whining About Facebook

Stop Whining About Facebook

There, I just said it, stop whining about Facebook and the death of organic reach.  As I mentioned in my previous video, Facebook Kills Organic Reach, there are a lot of people surprised and upset.  You may love it or you may hate it, but the reality is that Facebook is changing.  With that change comes an incredible opportunity for you if you are prepared and embrace the change.

Allow me to give you a reality check.  Facebook has basically killed off free traffic from fan pages and such.  People are in an uproar about it and as I mention in the video, someone is even trying to make a class-action lawsuit out of it.  He claimed that Facebook misled them into building up follows, only to have the rug pulled out from under them.  Maybe you even feel this way a little bit?

My feeling is, who cares.  I don't.  But still I see complaint after complaint on Facebook and that will never change reality.  Free traffic is dead, stop whining about Facebook and get on with your business.  Personally, I see it as a great opportunity and that is because Facebook is giving preferential treatment to advertisers.

What I mean by that is your customers will no longer be distracted by cutesy posts, pictures and videos.  Instead, your potential customers will be seeing content from actual marketers and that is where the win will be.  Not from businesses trying to get attention with yet another viral kitty video.  Come to think of it, that's AWESOME news and there will be way less competition in the Facebook newsfeed.

Stop Whining About Facebook and Do Something About It

I am creating a quick walk-through of how we do Facebook ads and I am going to give it to you for free.  I will share with you the simple strategies that have been working for us and I think you will find them pretty easy.  There's nothing to sign up for, it's on me and it's free!  More details coming soon as I finish up creating the new webinar!

[caption id="attachment_3146" align="aligncenter" width="468"]Stop whining about Facebook and learn how to win! Stop whining about Facebook and learn how to win! (COMING SOON!)[/caption]

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

CMO Vivid Vision

CMO Vivid Vision

We invite you to look through our Vivid Vision and share in our amazing future.

[pdf-embedder url=""]

Monday, January 22, 2018

Staying Focused

Staying Focused

Keeping on task and staying focused can be a challenge for us all.  Today started off as one of those days for me, which led to this video and an idea.  The idea is creating an entire series of videos and articles, documenting my daily journey to success.  The videos will be mostly unedited and uncensored, in other words my videos are going to be raw.

In the video I talk about quite a few things that are going on and on my mind.  I discuss many different, seemingly unrelated topics, but by the end of the video I bring it all together.  Well at least in my mind it was a semi-cohesive train of thought and makes sense to me.

The main concept here is that I talk about being grateful, I talk about perspective and most importantly, I talk about persistence.  Be grateful for what you have and where you are today.  Keep things in perspective and take a look back at where you were a year ago in business.  But the most important part of my video is just doing what needs to be done.  In other words, staying focused.

[caption id="attachment_2977" align="aligncenter" width="232"]5 Minutes With Charles - Relevant, timely and valuable marketing advice. 5 Minutes With Charles - Relevant, timely and valuable marketing advice.[/caption]

Staying Focused Can Be A Problem

As I mentioned in my video, staying focused and keeping on task can be a hurdle for us all.  One method I have found to work quite well is thinking about the pros and cons of keeping your goal.  Specifically, I talk about listing the the goal and what are all of the bad things that will come from not achieving success.  I then go on to talk about listing out all of the good things that will happen as a result of success.

To be honest, admittedly this is something I feel that should be written out and kept in a conspicuous location.  When in doubt or simply "not feeling it today" like I was feeling this morning, take a long look at your written resolution.  In fact this is something I am going to develop or at least research and see if anyone else has created one.  As Cameron Herold states, "R&D (Rip-Off and Duplicate) your way to success."

[caption id="attachment_3068" align="aligncenter" width="468"]Do You Want More Customers? Charles E. Snyder III Marketing - Direct Response Marketing Services Do You Want More Customers? Charles E. Snyder III Marketing - Direct Response Marketing Services[/caption]

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Updated Company Intro Video 2018

Updated Company Intro Video For 2018

We updated our Company Intro Video for 2018.  The new year is fast approaching and with only a few more days left, some updates are in order.  The first of those updates was creating a new Company Intro Video.  We have big plans for 2018 and there are even more updates coming, but more on that later.  Check out the new video below or on our Company Info page.

We're excited about the prospects of 2018 being the best year ever for U.S. businesses.  MasterCard is already calling the 2017 holiday shopping season the biggest in history.  But the biggest news is that 2018 is promising to be the best year ever for digital marketing.  Digital marketing is estimated to be about $700,000,000,000 and that is a 700 followed by 9 zeroes!  $700 billion is roughly the same size as the U.S. Defense spending budget!  If $700 billion doesn't get you excited for 2018, we're not sure what will.

Look, it doesn't really matter what anyone's opinion of the economy and politics may be.  The fact is, when the economy is on the upswing, you need to grow, add more staff and get more customers.  Even more important is when the economy is on the downswing, businesses still need customers.  My point is that no matter what is going on in the world, you need customers.  Those social media and digital marketing thingies are important and you probably already know that.  But the take-away here is that if you are not using digital marketing, social media and SEO, your competition is.

But what does this have to do with our new Company Intro Video?

My point here is that you likely already know in the back of your mind that you need to do something.  So let me ask you some questions.  How much money do you think you are leaving on the table by not advertising online and social media?  How much better do you think your business will be with highly targeted marketing?  Are you surviving or thriving?

As I mention in the video, I was a firefighter for more than 30 years and I understand.  I know some of the challenges of being a public servant and being a business owner.  When you are ready to take your business to the next level, let's set up a time to chat - just click here.

Have a safe, happy and profitable 2018!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Facebook Kills Organic Reach

Facebook Kills Organic Reach

Have you heard the news?  Have you seen all of the buzz lately?  Forbes, The Wall Street Journal and all the other business publications are talking about how Facebook Kills Organic Reach.  Article after article is being published about it and still there are people surprised.  But once all the shock wears off, panic sets in and people are desperately wanting to know how they will get traffic now.

As I mention in the video, there is bad news and there is good news in all of this.  The bad news is that people can see as much as 15,000 stories in their news feed at any given time.  So Facebook kills organic reach in favor of stories created or shared by family and friends filling your news feed.  It has been a cluttered mess and I have to say this is a welcome change for me personally.

There is good news in this after all.  Yes, you will need to start running paid advertising campaigns on Facebook.  But out of the 16 million small businesses on Facebook, only about 41% advertise and less than 13% are even active.  This is a prime opportunity to start social media marketing and standing out from the crowd!  However, you will need to know how to create Facebook campaigns or you have to hire someone who does.

So What If Facebook Kills Organic Reach

As I just stated, there is opportunity here and it will only be realized by those who know how to use the tools.  Charles E. Snyder III Marketing has been offering direct response marketing services for Facebook and others.  We know the tools and we know how to create campaigns that produce results for our customers.  So let me ask you a question:

Since Facebook kills organic reach, are you in need of an agency that can get you on the fast-track to success?  Now more than ever, businesses need our Direct Response Marketing services.  Set up a no-cost, no-obligation phone consultation today to see how we can help you.  Just click on the banner below to get started.

[caption id="attachment_3068" align="aligncenter" width="468"]Facebook Kills Organic Reach, Do You Know How To Find Customers Now? We Do! Facebook Kills Organic Reach, Do You Know How To Find Customers Now? We Do![/caption]

Test Post from Charles E. Snyder III Marketing

Test Post from Charles E. Snyder III Marketing